Give your child a precious gift - your time
Parents collaborate with their child and support them in hands-on activities in math and logical reasoning.
Students develop both math understanding and crucial 21st century skills: critical thinking, collaboration, communication, perseverance and growth mindset.
Families work together as a team.
A facilitator guides the group by assigning stimulating activities and leading meaningful conversations.
Parent Testimonials
"This lesson is a gift for the family! An hour of challenging activities we face together. I get to know my son from a whole new perspective."
"It’s a quality time together, I appreciate my participation. I enjoy the math. We continue our conversations after the lesson is over."
"The lessons connect between us, we learn how to collaborate."
"Me and my son learn to work as a team."
"It’s nice to spend time with my daughter during the lesson. This is an opportunity to learn about her ways of thinking."
"I enjoy taking a break from my everyday routine to experience my daughter in a completely different way."