Are you concerned about your brain health?
It is true that as we get older, our memory power can decline. This is because as we age, the brain undergoes changes that can affect our ability to remember things.
One of the main reasons for this decline is related to our lifestyle, specifically, how active we are, physically and mentally.
Active aging involves exercising your brain. Stimulating your brain in challenging ways improves brain health. Many older adults maintain relatively strong memory function well into their later years. There are steps that you can take to help preserve your memory as you age.
Our program offers an opportunity for you to learn how you can:
Improve brain health.
Keep your brain sharp.
Increase concentration.
Avoid cognitive decline.
Grow new brain cells at any age.
Lower your risk of developing dementia.
If brain cells are not used, they may begin lose function. However, it is never too late to improve your brain and enhance cognitive function.
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Learn, play, socialize
Staying mentally and socially active is crucial for a healthy lifestyle.
There are several strategies that can help you enhance your cognitive abilities and improve your brain function. For example, regular physical activity has been shown to improve brain function and increase the production of neurotransmitters, which are chemicals that transmit signals in the brain. Most people are aware of the importance of being active physically.
More and more people become aware of the importance of learning new things to enhance their cognitive abilities. Participating in activities that challenge the brain can improve cognitive function. In addition, socializing and interacting with others can also help to keep the brain active and engaged.
Our courses provide both mind-stimulating activities and social interaction. To meet these goals, our strategy is to play together! Our small groups meet together with a highly-experienced facilitator who leads the group through interactive strategy games. In these activities participants collaborate with or compete against each other. Our games are simple to understand, fun to play, and mentally stimulating.
Join our class today! The courses are facilitated in-person or online.
Note: while these strategies can help improve brain function, they are not a guarantee of improved brain function and may not work for everyone.